We've just spoken on the phone. A visit to the house you're renovating is on your calendar - how exciting! Are you wondering how to prepare for this meeting?Here's how:
1. Analyze your needs
This exercise is essential to prepare for our first meeting.
It involves preparing, but above all organizing, a list of the most important things to consider when defining your project. Together, we’ll work out the scenario best suited to your list, so as to tick as many boxes as possible.
1. Your essential needs for the renovation project
2. Your more optional desires, which you’d like to fulfill with the project
3. Sensitive elements to avoid in the course of your project
4. Your expectations when it comes to personalizing our approach to you
2. Cost - deadline - quality, a delicate balance to communicate to us
When it all comes down to it, the best project scenario will be defined according to the weighting you wish to give to these three elements.
Total quality with minimum regard for cost and time VS a tight deadline with the best value for money? The right weighting is in your hands, and it’s up to you to tell us.
Passing on your thoughts will help guide our approach. Putting them in order of priority will enable us to be effective in defining your project. Careful reading of this article will enrich your thinking.
Quality? Let us ensure the best attention to detail to elevate your project to your standards. The design will be accompanied by more research and visuals. On site, we ensure rigorous selection of the suppliers who will be involved in achieving your objectives.
What’s the deadline? A birth, a moving date or any other deadline forcing your project to be completed within a rigid time frame will frame the customized solution presented to you, from design to completion.
Cost? Whether it’s a budgetary limit or the search for the best return on investment, transparency on this component will keep you away from the ravine into which too many projects are plunged. Let’s work together to find the solutions and compromises that will keep you on the safest path.
Once your project manager understands the weighting of these three components, he or she will be able to use them as a master guide in the design and implementation of your project.
3. Gather documents and information on the steps you've already taken
Have you contacted your borough? Searched on Pinterest or other platforms? Selected some inspirational photos? We’d love to hear from you.
Take us with you into your dreams, from the simplest to the wildest. Feed us your ideas, and we’ll return the favor with our very best!
What’s next?
The next step, following the collection and validation of your information during the visit to your home, will be for us to define and present you with a viability framework for your project. Based on the information we’ve validated during our first meeting, and possibly a few additional communications, a scenario will be presented to you for discussion at a second meeting.