An Italian shower in the bathroom

Manufacturers offer us various products nowadays and make them more and more accessible so you can build the shower of your dreams without breaking the bank. Our customers are increasingly asking us to have an Italian shower. The sleek design of this shower is definitely high on demand. Let’s start by defining what an Italian shower is.
First, This shower will be designed without a threshold
The slant toward the drain will start at the beginning of the shower, without the necessity to have a threshold to restrain the water inside the shower space. The slant will be created by elevating all of the bathroom’s floor around the shower, or by sinking in the floor’s structure (This 2nd scenario will be impossible if your floor is made of concrete).
A linear drain in your shower
The second element that presently catches our customer’s attention is the utilization of a linear drain. This linear drain installed in the center or on one of the shower’s sides makes the use of large ceramic tiles on the floor possible ( by opposition to small mosaics ), because there is but one unidirectional flow toward the drain.
Using the same large tiles on your shower floor as the rest of your bathroom, as well as the lack of a threshold, gives your bathroom a more harmonious design.
We recommend the KERDI-LINE SCHLUTER linear drains. Those drains are available in several lengths and in 3 different finishes. On the above picture of an Italian shower, the linear drain used completely allows the use of tiles to camouflage or hide almost entirely the drain in the ground, for an even sleeker design. These drains are also available with various grid models or coated in stainless steel.
If you wish, it’s also pretty easy for us to make your DITRA HEAT Schluter heating floor heat up the floor inside of your shower.
Your heating floor isn’t only limited to the center of your bathroom, but it can also heat up the floor inside of your Italian shower…for true happiness!
As far as ESPÉ is concerned, we guarantee the waterproofness of our showers built with Schluter’s products a 100%.
You can also read our article on the current trends for bathroom renovations if you wish to learn more about this subject. However, it is currently only available in French at 5 idées pour la renovation de votre salle de bain.