
Everything you need all in one place

Find everything you need, all under one roof. Our multidisciplinary teams, renovation contractors in Montreal and trusted partners are with you every step of the way—providing project management, customer service and more—from concept to the renovation kickoff to the final touches.


Service only ESPÉ can provide

One person will serve as your dedicated contact, taking care of you throughout the entire project. They’re like a maestro, making sure everything runs smoothly for our teams and you during the process to give you peace of mind.


Results that make a difference

You need to know how to plan, adapt to change, and be agile in the field if you want to get the most out of your budget and schedule—and to deliver something truly spectacular. Our team is there from concept to construction to evaluate the technical feasibility of the project, ensure compliance with standards and regulations, and adjust the plans as needed. Our promise to you is simple: to stay by your side and deliver results that live up to your expectations.


Purposeful design

Our specialty is finding the perfect balance between style and function. We consider every aspect of your family’s unique needs and the purpose of each room for your interior renovation project, without sacrificing the right finishes and design features to make each space beautiful. Designed for your daily life and suited to your tastes, our concepts are ideal; now and forever.


Our nine-step process ensures each project goes smoothly and suits your budget, lifestyle and needs:

Preliminary design

Preliminary design

First up is to listen to your needs in order to improve your living space. You’ll tell us your ultimate dream and must-haves so we can offer design suggestions that are well thought-out and personalized.

Technical analyses

Technical analyses

We carry out an on-site technical analysis. It’s a key step for us that has proven effective in avoiding surprises. At this stage, we’ll come to your home and check our hypotheses to ensure we have a solid plan for your project. That’s the benefit of an integrated project with a smooth approach.

Advanced design

Advanced design

We fine-tune the technical plans and decide on finishing materials. Together we’ll select accents to create a space that suits your tastes and respects your vision, budget and desired timeline. The design ideas will really start to take shape in an exciting way.

projet intégrée

Worksite launch

Worksite launch

The wheels are set in motion. Our team will guide the entire project to simplify your life. We’ll direct the teams to ensure your project gets off on the right foot.

service entretien espé



The chaos begins. But don’t worry—we’ll take care of everything. We’ll isolate all the rooms being worked on. Once that part’s done, the bones of your house will be revealed and we’ll adjust the technical plan’s measurements.

Rough work

Rough work

We optimize the technical plans to improve the living spaces and ultimate results. Plumbing, electrical—everything will fall into place. It’s encouraging to see rooms take shape and to think your life will soon be back to normal.

Finishing work

Finishing work

Nearly there—a stage that feels good. The project is nearing completion and you’ll begin to see your dream space emerge. We’ll install the new floor or tiles—in short, we’ll begin adding the finishing touches.

rénover sa maison

Project delivery

Project delivery

Life can return to normal. Your house will be yours once again. We’ll teach you how to maintain your new space and use your equipment to take full advantage of the features that will make life better.

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type et pose de céramique

Customer service

Customer service

Renovating is never a simple decision. But when you see the final result, we know you’ll say, “Wow, that was worth it!” At ESPÉ, we remain at your disposal long after delivery, whatever your needs. You’re our customer for life!

entrepreneur en rénovation
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